We are all unique, multi-faceted individuals with different backgrounds, genetics, and experiences of life.

So, why are we all being prescribed the same bland drugs?

At TBYB, we listen to you & your body and create a living, biological blueprint. A roadmap that allows us to formulate the correct combination of treatments, in the exact doses your body needs.

Think about it like this:

When you take your car in for its yearly inspection, they leave no stone unturned. They look under the hood, they scan its internal computer for error codes or alerts, and they even raise it 8 feet off the ground to see if the frame & undercarriage have damage or rust.

Now, think back to your last physical or yearly checkup you went to. What’d they do? They probably checked your weight, and height, and took a one-off measurement of your blood pressure. (If you’re lucky, they also gave you a half-assed eye exam too.)

See the problem here?

I can’t speak for you, but I think it’s bizarre that our current society puts so much more effort into the safety of our motor vehicles than it does our actual health - let alone, quality of life.

. . .

Once we take a look under the hood, we can identify the exact biological patterns that are corroding your quality of life and stifling your mental-emotional growth & progress.

From there, we can put an end to the unnecessary suffering you’re experiencing by giving you a comprehensive treatment protocol that is tailor-made to your exact problems and goals.