Central Nervous System Therapy

If a flower is wilting or has spots in its color, we don’t poke the petals, we switch our attention to the sunlight, fertilizer, and water it may be lacking. The brain is just the blossom. We as humans tend to stare at the flower and say it’s all in the brain, but the brain literally stems from (“brainstem”) the branches of the nervous system.


If your dog partially chewed through your Ethernet cable,

it doesn’t matter how much fancy software you install or how many diagnostics you run, your connection to reality will still suck.  In the same way, chronic stress/trauma, and its many manifestations, can physically damage your hardware. Degrading your connection to reality, in a way that no amount of positive affirmations or talk therapy can directly repair.

In contrast, once the physical hardware is properly addressed, (as we’ve been doing,) the deeper, more nuanced aspects of your mental architecture - your software - will become much easier to update. Now that the body is literallyembodying” the healing we deserve, from this place of deeply, tangible sovereignty, we can much more easily separate the messages from the noise. Static that was once magnified grossly out of proportion. 


It’s not that I don’t believe in the more traditional, psychologically-based therapies. On the contrary! It’s just that, as you already know, it can be incredibly difficult to talk yourself out of the experiences you didn’t talk yourself into. From our third trimester in the womb, up until this exact moment, we’ve been absorbing external information and internalizing thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in incredibly complex, nuanced ways. It can be very hard to articulate or truly express the psychic knots that we’re bound by. Let alone, unravel them.

This is why I firmly believe in taking care of as many tangible, biologically-based aspects of the problem as possible, first. Not as a way to put off the inner work, mind you, but as a way to ensure that we can eliminate as much noise and misdirection as possible. If we do not properly address the body, regardless of what other therapeutic modalities we adopt, we are continuing to allow the physical manifestations of fear and outdated survival mechanisms, the ability to run rampant, virtually unchecked, and hold power over us – on a very literal level.


Without the proper framework of physical health and tangible means of integration in place, we will forever miss out on the full potential of even the most promising of modalities. Even your most profound experiences and insights will fade into mere memory over time, as the unaddressed hardware continues its campaign of tyranny.


Have there been miraculous cases of people curing their own cancer with the power of the mind, channeled through the placebo effect? Sure have! Nevertheless, why pray for each and every one of us to have a similar miracle, when we can empower the mind and the body, as ONE – guaranteeing our success.


A flower can want to bloom as much as possible. It can recite positive affirmations till the sun comes down, but if it needs more water or fertilizer, it cannot defy the laws of nature for too long.

Whatever psychologically-based therapies call to you, they have merit,

but when you combine the power of the body with the power of the mind you get

E X P O N E N T I A L 

Growth, Healing & Progress